It’s Always Time

Before the seasons started to run together, it used to be that there was a time for certain sports. In the spring it was time for baseball after basketball ended. Fall was time for football after baseball played its World Series, and hockey was played in the winter.

A Valentine’s Day Thought

My brother-in-law used to call the movie theatre “the world’s church,” and I agree. When you think about it, a lot of people get their philosophy on life from the latest film. 

Ya Gotta Know the Playbook

Drafted in the sixth round as the New England Patriots 33rd pick back in 2000, Brady had a reputation as a tough-minded player, but without some of the exceptional skills often sought in an NFL quarterback.

The January thaw – Hope Springs in Winter

While some experts dismiss the phenomenon, and others have tried to explain the occurrence scientifically, the fact is that sometime in middle or late January, smack dab in the midst of winter God has ordained a period of hope that winter will not last forever.

A Word About Honor

Honor – “High regard, respect, or esteem”. These are powerful words not to be applied indiscriminately. There are people in our world who deserve honor; and there are people who do not.

Whose Job IS It?

The answer to the question I am about to ask may seem like a no-brainer at first, but I would like us to dig a little deeper for a moment. The question is this: Men, whose job is it to take care of your family?

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