When I used to work for an electrical contractor, once a year we had to take
inventory of everything in the shop. Not only what was in the vans we worked out
of but everything in the store they maintained as well. It was a laborious process,
but it was critical for tax purposes and for running the shop efficiently. To never
take inventory would have had severe consequences.
We as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ must take a spiritual inventory, too. To
never take stock of where we are in our walk with Christ leads to self-deception,
arrogance, and bondage. Let me explain.
James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do
what it says.” When we don’t take spiritual inventory, we often think we are
doing better than we really are. Knowing the Word of God doesn’t mean we are
doing it. Examining our lives prevents us from fooling ourselves.
Lack of self-examination also leads to arrogance and even foolishness. Proverbs
12:15 says, “A fool is wise in his own eyes, but the wise listen to advice.” Part of
taking spiritual inventory is seeking and listening to the wisdom of a mentor who
knows us and loves us enough to tell us the truth. The fool not only will not seek
out the wise, but rejects any wisdom offered to him. Let’s be wise.
Finally, not taking spiritual inventory leads to bondage. When we do not examine
ourselves, we stay trapped in sin because we refuse to acknowledge its presence.
Jesus said in John 8:34, “Everyone who sins is a slave to sin…” The first step to
breaking free is taking a spiritual inventory.
I encourage you to take some time each week to look at your life. Ask the Lord to
search you and reveal anything that displeases Him. Seek the wisdom of a godly
friend. Then receive the wisdom and practice it.