Someone once said, “Sow your wild oats when you’re young,” to which a wise
man replied, “if you do, you’ll end up with a life full of weeds.” The Word of God
puts it this way in Romans 8:13, “For if you live according to the flesh, you will die;
but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.”
Folks, when I was a young man, as I struggled with where my life choices had
brought me a wise person told me, “Mike, you are now what you have been
becoming. If you don’t like what you see, change your choices.”
As the people of Israel were about to enter the promised land, Moses told them
in Deuteronomy 30:15 & 19, “See, I have set before you today life and prosperity,
death and destruction…Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.”
Friend, are you depressed because of where your life choices have brought you?
May I encourage you to choose life! You do that by turning to Jesus Christ in
repentance from your sins and in faith receive His forgiveness, then determine
that as He helps you, you will follow Him. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth,
and the Life…” (John 14:6). There isn’t any spiritual life apart from Him.
When you turn to Him, Jesus will give you the Holy Spirit to teach you His ways,
empower you to live them out and encourage you when you fall. That is what it
means to “Sow to the Spirit.” It means that you read God’s Word so that you
know what He wants you to do, then trusting the Holy Spirit in you, obey what
you read.
I also strongly urge you to ask God to direct you to a good church that believes
the Bible is true and ask God to send you a godly mentor to help you learn God’s
ways and encourage you along the way. If you need help email me at:
mdwhitney61@gmail.com. God bless you!