A Sparrow With a Message
The day was an ordinary day in mid-May, 2003, a partly sunny day as my wife, Olive, came to a stop light at Cook’s Corner. As she waited for the light to change, her heart was heavy with concern for the situation her family was facing. Her husband was battling a severe depression, for about 2 years at that point, with little indication that he was getting better. He had just lost a good paying job at a local Christian radio station a little over a month ago, the severance pay had ended with no job prospects in sight and her heart was crying out to the Lord. Feeling discouraged and all alone she flooded her Father’s throne with her tears and her questions. “Where are you, Lord?”
Just then, a sparrow landed on the wiper blade on the windshield and looked at her. The message from her Father couldn’t have been clearer than if that little sparrow had spoken English – “don’t worry my child, my Father takes care of me every day, He will take care of you also.”
Men, that sparrow not only had a message for Olive and our family in that time of crisis, but he has the same message for you, too! Listen to the words of our Lord Jesus when He was on earth from Matthew 6 “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear…look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”
The answer to our Lord’s question is yes! A resounding, faithful, eternal…YES! A “yes” you can count on through all of life’s ups and downs. You, dear child of God, are so valuable to your heavenly Father that He crucified His only Son so you could be forgiven and live with Him forever! Now that’s security you can trust!
As for the sparrow on Olive’s windshield, God was faithful to His promise. He brought me out of my depression, kept our family together through it all and met all our financial needs! To God be all the glory, honor and praise! He’ll do the same for you, too! Believe Him!