A Word About Honor
Honor – “High regard, respect, or esteem”. These are powerful words not to be applied indiscriminately. There are people in our world who deserve honor; and there are people who do not. People in our armed forces who serve with integrity are to be honored. Fathers and mothers are to be honored by virtue of their God-given position as the authority in the home. Men of God who serve God humbly and faithfully are to be honored. But the acts and agenda of the immoral and profane are not to be honored under any circumstances!
Americans used to honor what was honorable, but we have lost our way. TV sitcoms now mock sexual purity before marriage and fidelity in marriage. Sexual perversions like homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, and pedophilia are looked upon as acceptable behavior. Anyone who disagrees is labeled a “hater”. People who used to be ashamed of their behavior now flaunt it in the open. Surely the Scripture is right on when it says in Psalm 12:8 “The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men.”
Vile means “Morally base; shamefully wicked. Loathsome; disgusting.” This is what these behaviors are, yet many in our society honor them. Instead of adhering to the moral high ground, our leaders are prosecuting those who will not bow to their evil agenda, while those who participate in these wicked acts are reaping the consequences of those acts in an epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases and mental problems like depression, drug abuse and suicide.
Now, just because I am saying we need to resist the evil agenda of the LGBTQ does not mean that I advocate being hateful or mean-spirited to those for whom Christ died. It is still true that as followers of Jesus Christ we are to hate the sin but love the sinner. Let us always remember, we are not better than they, just forgiven!
I would like to report that the church is taking a strong stand against this moral decline, but she is not. Too many denominations are caving into the pressure to float downstream on the current of public opinion. It is time that we men spoke up and exposed evil for what God calls it – wickedness and sin! Will you do it?
Mike Whitney