Where Are You Leading Your Family Part 1
On October 14, 2016, Jim Marshall of the Minnesota Vikings recovered a fumble and ran full speed into the end zone for what he thought was a touchdown. The only problem was that he had run the wrong way.
On October 14, 2016, Jim Marshall of the Minnesota Vikings recovered a fumble and ran full speed into the end zone for what he thought was a touchdown. The only problem was that he had run the wrong way.
Many of us, if not all of us, have wonderful memories of Thanksgiving Days gone by. We recall the smells, sights and sounds of those days with great fondness and joy. But for some, Thanksgiving Day and the holidays in general, hold much sadness and loneliness.
Now the rule in golf is that you play the ball where you find it, be it in a great spot on the fairway, in the rough, or in the woods (assuming you can find it). If it is impossible to hit the shot, then you must add a one stroke penalty to your score, then you can move the ball to a place from which you can hit it, again within the rules. Sometimes,
What would you think of a man who kept a corpse in his closet so he could take it out every day and admire it and cuddle with it?
Martin Luther King Jr. may have had a dream, but God our Creator had a plan and that plan was to abolish racism, once for all, on the cross.
The day was an ordinary day in mid-May, 2003, a partly sunny day as my wife, Olive, came to a stop light at Cook’s Corner. As she waited for the light to change, her heart was heavy with concern for the situation her family was facing. Her husband was battling a severe depression, for about 2 years at that point, with little indication that he was getting better. He had just lost a good paying job at a local Christian radio station a little over a month ago, the severance pay had ended with no job prospects in sight and her heart was crying out to the Lord. Feeling discouraged and all alone she flooded her Father’s throne with her tears and her questions. “Where are you, Lord?”
Have you ever had any of these thoughts: “I don’t dare be who I really am because then nobody will like me” or “If people really knew me they wouldn’t like me” or “I wish I knew who I really was, I have worn different masks so long I don’t even know anymore.” I have been there, and it is a lonely, exhausting way to live.
How does a man know whether or not he is a spiritual man? I mean, is it the length of his devotional time? Is it how many people he witnesses to in a day? I would like to suggest that the real test of a man’s spirituality is the “road test”.
No, this article isn’t a variation of Simon Says. Neither is it as conceited as it may first appear. I don’t presume to be the last word on anything. Some of you know, most of you don’t, however, that there is another Mike Whitney living in the Midcoast Region.
Generally speaking we try to avoid being fat. Obesity is a big problem in our country. But you probably suspect that because “F.A.T.” in the title of this article is an acronym, we at Paraclete Men’s Ministries are not promoting gluttony.
On November 8, 1971 the group Led Zepplin introduced the song “Stairway to Heaven” to the world. It quickly became a tremendous hit and has remained a favorite of “rock and rollers” for almost 50 years. The song has occultic themes and a very dangerous message that most who hear it probably don’t even realize. I am not going to quote the whole song here but there is one line in the song that deserves our undivided attention because it strikes at the core of this life and the next. Before I share that line I want to tell you a little story.
Men, I want to be like this fellow I heard about named Apelles, and when you hear about him you probably will too. As far as I know this guy is only named once in Scripture but oh what a commendation is given him!
The first two articles in this series brought us the wonderful news that God’s grace is unlimited and available to all. Today’s thoughts are more sobering. Can God’s grace be rejected? And if it can, what are the circumstances and what are the consequences?
How Deep is God’s Grace? Part 2 I am going to make a radical statement, but, before you reject it
What is the first thing you think of when you sin against God? I tend to think… “boy! He must be really mad at me!” Or sometimes, in my worst moments…”is God going to reject me now?” Maybe you’ve had these or other thoughts, maybe even worse ones. Most of the time I believe these kinds of thoughts are from the evil one; although, it must be noted that if we deliberately, “in your face, God”, sin against Him, He may be warning us to repent or face His divine discipline. Discipline, mind you, not rejection.