
How Deep is God’s Grace Part 1

What is the first thing you think of when you sin against God? I tend to think… “boy! He must be really mad at me!” Or sometimes, in my worst moments…”is God going to reject me now?” Maybe you’ve had these or other thoughts, maybe even worse ones. Most of the time I believe these kinds of thoughts are from the evil one; although, it must be noted that if we deliberately, “in your face, God”, sin against Him, He may be warning us to repent or face His divine discipline. Discipline, mind you, not rejection.


Dangerous Pop-ups

When I am on my computer, I get various pop-ups that appear out of nowhere on my screen. Some are quite innocent, such as advertisements. Others are more sinister, like invitations to “fix your computer”. But there is another kind of pop-up that is even more dangerous than these.


Do you Wiggle in God’s Lap

Do you ever ‘wiggle in God’s lap’? I mean, you climb up into your heavenly Father’s lap with every intention of resting while you tell Him all your troubles and listen for His calm, wise, loving reply, but before you can settle into a comfortable position, you get antsy and think about all you have to do that day, about all the decisions you have to make, about the worries and cares that flood your mind and all of a sudden you find yourself squirming to get down? If you do, you are not alone!


Black Lives Matter- A Response

Black Lives Matter – A Response
On May 25, 2020 a life was snuffed out in the state of Minnesota. A man created in God’s image was murdered on the streets of Minneapolis. He was not famous or rich or influential; he was an ordinary man. His murder was tragic, as all murders are. His name was George Floyd. The color of his skin was black; the color of his blood was red, the same as mine, the same as yours.

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