
When Men Sing in Church Part 2

Jesus is not ashamed of you. At one time you were his enemy because of sin. Enemies become sons and heirs through the grace of the gospel. When you stand with the congregation this upcoming Lord’s Day, remember that Christ is your elder Brother and that He came to this earth to make this so, and declare to you the name of His Father.


When Men Sing in Church Part 1

One of the most important roles that a Christian man can play in his church is to sing. Yes, that’s right. I’m not talking about being on the worship team. That takes a great amount of skill. I’m talking about a man who sings amid the families he gathers with every Sunday morning to worship the living God. When men of God sing, whether young, old, married, or single, they are doing what they were created to do.


Real Faith is a Bold Faith!

Prov. 18:1 states clearly that, “The wicked flee when no one pursues but the righteous are a bold as a lion.”
My purpose is not to disparage those whose faith is weak, we have all been there, after all Jesus said that a faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain, rather, I want to encourage all of us to strive for a bolder faith…


Who Do You Listen To?

Everyone needs someone they can turn to for wise advice. Only a fool listens exclusively to his own counsel. In fact, Proverbs 12:15 warns us, “The way of a fool is wise in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” So, my friend, to whom do you go for counsel?


Why Men Should Be Prolife

Men have a right to have a say in the abortion debate. Some forget or willingly ignore the fact that the child in the womb is as much his as the mother’s. When the baby is aborted, the life taken was as much a part of the father as well as the mother…


Forget the Past or Remember the Past Part 2

We all have events in our past that we would like to forget. Past sins and poor choices can haunt us to the point that we are debilitated by them. As human as it is to dwell on past sins and failures, God wants us to acknowledge them, learn from them, confess, repent, and move on to the meaningful, productive life He has planned…

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