Are You Leading Your Family?
The story is told of a man who was taking a walk in the neighborhood when he saw another man trying to get a refrigerator through the front door into his house. Being a friendly sort, he stopped to see if he could help. The fellow said he would appreciate the assistance and so together they started pushing on the fridge, one on the inside and one on the outside.
After about ten minutes of hard work, the appliance had not budged an inch. Exasperated, the good Samaritan exclaimed “We’re never going to get this refrigerator into the house this way!”
The owner could not believe his ears. “Get it in,” he said, “I was trying to get it out!”
Every project, or organization, large or small, needs a leader. And the same is true for the family. In God’s order of things, that leader in the family is the man. According to 1 Corinthians 11: 3 “Christ is the head of man, man is the head of woman, and God is the head of Christ.”
So, friend, are you leading your family? Too many men take the position that their job is to provide financially for the family, and it is the wife’s job to raise the children. That may be a popular notion, but it is not found anywhere in Scripture! Ephesians 6:4 tells men to bring their children up “in the fear and instruction of the Lord.”
Men, it is YOUR job to teach and train your children the ways of the Lord. Have you accepted that responsibility? You see, whether you have or not does not absolve you of the fact that God is going to hold you accountable for the spiritual welfare of your wife and children. Does that make you nervous? It should do more than that; It should motivate you to submit to Christ and take the reins of leadership for your family.
God will give you all that you need to fulfill this calling, and your wife will be a great asset as well, but you are the one responsible. If you have been passive in this area, may I encourage and challenge you to step into your rightful, God-given role as head of your household? Find a godly man who is on the path ahead of you and seek his help. Then trust God to lead you. Your family is waiting!