Are You Leading Your Family? Pt 2
An up-and-coming executive was about to take over as President of the company. Knowing he was relatively young and inexperienced, he asked to talk with the outgoing President to glean some wisdom that would help him. The first question the young man asked was this, “What is the secret to your success as President?”
The seasoned veteran did not hesitate one moment, “Good decisions” was his reply.
Probing further, the young executive persisted, “But how do I know what a good decision is?”
The older man looked intently at the young man sitting in front of him and said humbly, “Bad decisions.”
Men, as I try to help us learn how to lead our families I do not do so as one who has always made good decisions. There have been a lot of poor decisions. You will make your mistakes, as well. The important thing is to get in the game!
Once in the game do not go it alone. If you are blessed with a godly wife, listen to her wisdom; follow the advice of older, wiser family men who have gone before you. Most important of all – search the Word of God, especially Proverbs, for the right path. Finally, pray, pray, then pray some more!
Ask for God’s mercy to reign in your family. Be a man who exudes grace towards your family. Ask the LORD to give your wife and your children grace, wisdom, and strength to overcome the mistakes you make in dealing with them.
And finally, it is critical that you lead with humility. Admit the sins you commit against your family. Ask forgiveness. Do not make excuses for yourself. Seek to walk in the Spirit so you will not commit the same sins over and over again.
Speaking of the Holy Spirit – do you have the Holy Spirit in you? If not, then everything I have said will be impossible for you. You need to repent and believe on Christ; then, He will give you the Holy Spirit and His wisdom and strength to lead your family.
If you are a believer, remember 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” You CAN lead your family! Will you?