Are You Living in Bondage?
What does Paul mean in Galatians 5:1 that “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!” In this context, Paul is referring to freedom from the burden of keeping the law as a means of salvation and earning God’s favor. The reason this effort is impossible is because to earn God’s salvation or favor in this way one would have to do it perfectly. And no one can do that. That is why Paul says in Galatians 3:10, “For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: ‘Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.’”
Paul explains in Galatians that the believer in Christ is free from the burden of keeping the law to obtain righteousness by virtue of faith in Christ’s atoning death for his sins. Faith in Christ sets us free from that burden. That is why in Galatians 5:1 Paul urges the Galatians, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” In other words, the yoke of keeping the law to obtain favor or salvation.
William MacDonald says, “Here we have a very good illustration of the difference between law and grace. The law would say: ‘If you earn your freedom, you will become free.’ But grace says, “You have been made free at the tremendous cost of the death of Christ.’ In gratitude to Him, you should ‘stand fast therefore in the liberty with which Christ has made you free.’”
Because of faith, our position before God is one of perfect righteousness, He gave us Christ’s righteousness the moment we believed. Now, that the believer has been set free from sin by faith, his practice can line up with his position by living in grateful obedience to God’s commands through the power of the Holy Spirit. The believer does not need to do this to gain God’s favor, he already has that through faith in Christ.
So, let me ask you, friend. Are you living in freedom, or are you still in bondage? Are you still trying to keep the rules so that you will be accepted by God? Abandon your attempt at self-righteousness and receive the righteousness that God will give you for free through simple faith in what Jesus Christ did for you at the cross. If you would like to know more email me at: mdwhitney61@gmail.com.