Author name: Mike D. Whitney

Are You a Godly Worker?

When I was a young man working at Hartland Tannery in the 1970’s I got a rude awakening one day when, as I stormed up to my boss complaining yet again about something that set me off, he said to me, “Whitney, you do more complaining and less work than anyone around here, shut up and go back to work!”

How Does a Godly Man Deal with an Unfaithful Wife?

Losing a child is no doubt the most devastating loss a man can experience. The second most traumatic is the unfaithfulness of his wife if she commits adultery. Both experiences involve the loss of someone precious. The loss of a child is heart-wrenching and permanent and the loss of trust and intimacy because of adultery is excruciating. The question is can a marriage survive, much less thrive, after unfaithfulness enters the relationship, or is divorce inevitable?

Worship Instead of Wobble!

If you have been a believer for any length of time you know that you are in a great spiritual war against the forces of evil in the heavenly realms. This war is between God and Satan for the souls of men…

Procrastination – The Great Thief!

Did you hear about the folks who formed a Procrastinators Club? They still have not had their first meeting…

Ok, so it’s a lame joke. But the truth is, in God’s sight procrastination is not a laughing matter…

Are You Restless?

You know the feeling, don’t you? It is late at night, and you are still wide awake. You toss and turn. You just cannot get comfortable. Your body and mind are restless. You cannot turn your thoughts off and sleep. On and on it goes until the wee hours of the morning. Finally, just before the alarm goes off, you drift off only to be rudely awakened a few short minutes later by the clock radio and a disgustingly cheerful voice announcing the start of a new day…

Are You Leading Your Family? Part 2

An up-and-coming executive was about to take over as President of the company. Knowing he was relatively young and inexperienced, he asked to talk with the outgoing President to glean some wisdom that would help him. The first question the young man asked was this, “What is the secret to your success as President?”

Are You Leading Your Family?

Too many men take the position that their job is to provide financially for the family, and it is the wife’s job to raise the children. That may be a popular notion, but it is not found anywhere in Scripture! Ephesians 6:4 tells men to bring their children up “in the fear and instruction of the Lord.”

Humility – Part 3

Don’t you just love meeting people who exude the humility and fragrance of Christ? I remember working at McDonald’s on St. John Street in Portland many years ago and struggling greatly with anger, sexual sin, and loneliness when a man came into the dining room with his meal and sat down. There was something about him that made me ask if he was a believer in Christ…

Humility – Part 2

What, in all human experience, is more elusive than humility? As soon as you think you have it, you have lost it! Sometimes we may wonder if it is even possible to obtain, or worth pursuing humility. Some of us may even despair of ever finding a hint of humility in us…

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