Author name: Mike D. Whitney


Honor Our Veterans!

I grew up in the 60’s when serving in the military was looked upon by many in my generation with disdain. The Vietnam War raged on in southeast Asia and many protesters took to the streets, at times violently, to voice their opposition. The men and women who served our country in the military risked ridicule and sometimes violence just by walking down the street….


What Does God Think of Halloween?

Opinions of the holiday in Christian circles run the gamut from indifference to intense dislike. Some sincere believers don’t want anything to do with Halloween. They reason that because many of the practices of the Halloween season find their roots in medieval superstition and even the occult, Halloween should not be practiced by the serious Christian…


Deep Conviction or Drifting Philosophy Pt 3

The Bible claims that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He died for your sins and mine, and that He rose from the dead after three days. Also, Jesus stated emphatically in John 14:6 that, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me.”


Deep Conviction or Drifting Philosophy Pt 2

Last week we ended with the question, “Is it reasonable to believe Jesus’ claim that He is the only way to God?” My prayer is that after you read this article, you will conclude that it is reasonable to take Jesus at His word. He really is the only way to God!


Deep Conviction or Drifting Philosophy Part 1

What do you believe about God? Just as importantly, how firmly do you hold on to that belief? And what is that faith based on? Do you have a deep conviction based on the truth of God’s Word or is your belief a shallow, nebulous philosophy that drifts with the prevailing winds of man’s opinion?


What Are You Hiding?

Are you hiding something? Are you living a double life? Consider these real-life situations. A well-respected chief executive embezzles funds from his company. A man has two wives and two sets of children who know nothing of one another’s existence. The housewife who moonlights as a prostitute. The married corporate executive who wears lingerie under his business suit…


You Can Start Today!

Are you a believer in Jesus Christ but you blew it big time yesterday? I mean you sinned a great sin. Or you are trapped in a sinful habit that has you in its merciless grip and you are beginning to think that you cannot change. I want you to know on the authority of God’s holy Word that there is abundant hope for you today!


Are You a Godly Worker?

When I was a young man working at Hartland Tannery in the 1970’s I got a rude awakening one day when, as I stormed up to my boss complaining yet again about something that set me off, he said to me, “Whitney, you do more complaining and less work than anyone around here, shut up and go back to work!”


How Does a Godly Man Deal with an Unfaithful Wife?

Losing a child is no doubt the most devastating loss a man can experience. The second most traumatic is the unfaithfulness of his wife if she commits adultery. Both experiences involve the loss of someone precious. The loss of a child is heart-wrenching and permanent and the loss of trust and intimacy because of adultery is excruciating. The question is can a marriage survive, much less thrive, after unfaithfulness enters the relationship, or is divorce inevitable?


Worship Instead of Wobble!

If you have been a believer for any length of time you know that you are in a great spiritual war against the forces of evil in the heavenly realms. This war is between God and Satan for the souls of men…


Are You Restless?

You know the feeling, don’t you? It is late at night, and you are still wide awake. You toss and turn. You just cannot get comfortable. Your body and mind are restless. You cannot turn your thoughts off and sleep. On and on it goes until the wee hours of the morning. Finally, just before the alarm goes off, you drift off only to be rudely awakened a few short minutes later by the clock radio and a disgustingly cheerful voice announcing the start of a new day…


Are You Leading Your Family? Part 2

An up-and-coming executive was about to take over as President of the company. Knowing he was relatively young and inexperienced, he asked to talk with the outgoing President to glean some wisdom that would help him. The first question the young man asked was this, “What is the secret to your success as President?”

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