Author name: Mike D. Whitney


Are You Leading Your Family?

Too many men take the position that their job is to provide financially for the family, and it is the wife’s job to raise the children. That may be a popular notion, but it is not found anywhere in Scripture! Ephesians 6:4 tells men to bring their children up “in the fear and instruction of the Lord.”


Humility – Part 3

Don’t you just love meeting people who exude the humility and fragrance of Christ? I remember working at McDonald’s on St. John Street in Portland many years ago and struggling greatly with anger, sexual sin, and loneliness when a man came into the dining room with his meal and sat down. There was something about him that made me ask if he was a believer in Christ…


Humility – Part 2

What, in all human experience, is more elusive than humility? As soon as you think you have it, you have lost it! Sometimes we may wonder if it is even possible to obtain, or worth pursuing humility. Some of us may even despair of ever finding a hint of humility in us…



When I was in counseling for a deep depression I experienced some years ago, my counselor had me repeat a phrase that seems so obvious, yet it is amazing how its truth was so elusive to me at the time. That phrase was this – “God is God, and I am not.”


How to Face Eternity

…As often happens to me when I learn of the death of someone near my own age, my mind drifts to the uncertainty of life and the brief time I have left on this earth. I am 69. My three score and ten years is nearly up, and my own mortality is staring me in the face. Time is becoming more precious with each passing hour.

Sexual Truth

Is It Anyone Else’s Business?

Quite a few years ago when I worked at a radio station in Portland, I was interviewing a well-known Christian public figure about the Gay Rights Agenda. He said that he was glad the laws against homosexuality were removed because it was none of the State’s business what people did in the privacy of their bedrooms…

Sexual Truth

The Lie that is Transgender

You have probably never heard of Arnold Potter (1804-1872). He was a Schismatic Latter Day Saint leader who claimed that the spirit of Jesus Christ entered into his body and he became “Potter Christ” Son of the living God…


Pentecost and the Man of God

 Fifty days after God resurrected His Son, Jesus Christ, from the dead, having died on the cross to pay for the sins of all people, God did another amazing thing – He sent His Holy Spirit to His Church…


Stop the Blame Game! Part 3 God’s Faithfulness

Now when the Lord convicted me of my sin in this, I looked at my family and observed a lot of damage due to my lack of leadership. Maybe that is the case for you, as well. Do not let that discourage you from stepping back into your leadership role as head of your family. But there are a couple of things you need to do first…


Weary in the Work

I have, what is called today, a compulsive personality. While I am not an alcoholic, there have been other sins in my life with which I have struggled, tremendously. Maybe you can identify with me…


Run to the Father!

A good friend of mine is in a tremendous battle for his soul. He is a believer who is addicted to alcohol and pornography. Recently he just gave in to temptation and failed miserably. As Galatians 6:1 says, he was overtaken in a fault…


Many Infallible Proofs

Luke was not only a meticulous historian, he was also an eyewitness of the resurrection himself! Isn’t it peculiar that in a modern court of law eyewitness accounts are almost unbeatable? But when it comes to the resurrection of Jesus Christ people are willing, almost eager to dismiss them.

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