Author name: Mike D. Whitney


Some Battles are Yours

Serious followers of Jesus Christ realize that we are in an unseen war with spiritual forces in the heavenlies. Because that is true, we not only need to make sure we have our spiritual armor on (Ephesians 6:10-18), but we need to know when and how to fight.

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Help for the Doubter – Part 2

Have you committed the “unpardonable sin?” Have you committed the one sin that God will not forgive? So many people worry themselves into this dark hole from which there sometimes seems no way out. It is the source of their doubt. So, how can one know whether they have committed this sin?


God’s Only Goal

Did you know that if you are a child of God He has but one goal for your life? Contrary to popular Christian culture, it is not to make you happy. It is not to keep you healthy or make you wealthy. His purpose for your life is not even to make you a better person…

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Humiliated or Humbled?

It would be safe to say that all of us have humiliated ourselves at one time or another. I remember one time I said an unkind word about a classmate of mine my junior year in high school only to realize that she was sitting right behind me…

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