

Forget the Past or Remember the Past Part 2

We all have events in our past that we would like to forget. Past sins and poor choices can haunt us to the point that we are debilitated by them. As human as it is to dwell on past sins and failures, God wants us to acknowledge them, learn from them, confess, repent, and move on to the meaningful, productive life He has planned…


Are You Leading Your Family? Part 2

An up-and-coming executive was about to take over as President of the company. Knowing he was relatively young and inexperienced, he asked to talk with the outgoing President to glean some wisdom that would help him. The first question the young man asked was this, “What is the secret to your success as President?”


Are You Leading Your Family?

Too many men take the position that their job is to provide financially for the family, and it is the wife’s job to raise the children. That may be a popular notion, but it is not found anywhere in Scripture! Ephesians 6:4 tells men to bring their children up “in the fear and instruction of the Lord.”

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