Christ in You - Not a Refurbished You!
My oldest son, Steve, is a contractor. As such he oversees a lot of renovations on people’s houses. Every once in a while, he will come across a house that the owner wants to refurbish but after looking it over, Steve will tell him the sad news…this house is not worth the time or money. The only option is to tear it down and start over.
When God finds us and saves us, we are exactly like that house that needs tearing down. In our natural selves there isn’t anything worth saving that God can build on. You see, “all our righteousness is like filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). There is not one beam, one floorboard or light fixture worth keeping. It all must go!
Everything about our old selves is tainted by sin. Our best motives have some selfishness in them. Our purest intentions are easily thwarted by laziness and procrastination. Men, we do not need a makeover; we need a fresh start – and that is exactly what our Lord is up to when He begins His work in us.
He will rid us of the black mold of pride that infects our whole being. He will throw out the beams of self-interest that prop up our egos and make us unfit for anything good. Instead, through the indwelling Holy Spirit, God will fill us with His love that is the foundation of our whole being. On top of His love our Lord will place the supporting beams of selflessness which hold up the walls of sacrificial service for others. In short, our heavenly Father will slowly make us into the image of His Son, Jesus.
That is why we are instructed in Ephesians 4:20-24 “to ‘put off’, or throw away if you will, the ‘old self’ which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires, and ‘put on’ the ‘new self’, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”
This can be painful business. Sometimes it downright hurts when God rips out old sinful patterns of thought and behavior, but in the end, we will be a building for His glory!
So, men, let’s not resist the process. May the Lord help us to cooperate with His Holy Spirit in all the good Father has planned to do in us. Amen!