Deep Conviction or Drifting Philosophy Pt 2
Last week we ended with the question, “Is it reasonable to believe Jesus’ claim that He is the only way to God?” My prayer is that after you read this article, you will conclude that it is reasonable to take Jesus at His word. He really is the only way to God!
Let us say first, for the sake of argument, that there are many ways to God. One way demands strict adherence to a set of rules that is exceedingly difficult to achieve. Another way is on the opposite side of the spectrum and espouses a much more relaxed system that says if your intentions are good, then you are all set. And in between are a myriad of other philosophies that are just as contradictory. Does that seem reasonable or even fair?
Now let us consider Jesus’ claim that the narrow way of faith in Him is the only way to God. First, we should note that ALL people come the same way. Whether you are rich or poor, smart, or not so smart, good looking or not so much, everyone comes through Jesus. Does that not seem much more equitable?
Also consider this, the way to Jesus is simple. It is so simple that even a child can understand. “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved!” (Acts 16:31). That is it! Nothing more or nothing less than simple faith in Jesus will save you. Now does not that seem very reasonable? Of course it is!
At this point, some are going to object to the fact that one must believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). Now THAT is certainly unreasonable, don’t you think?
Well, let me ask you. Is there any evidence to support the Bible’s claim that Jesus rose from the dead? I submit to you that there is more evidence for Jesus’ resurrection than for the fact that Julius Caesar actually lived. We will examine that evidence next week but for now let us recap.
Last week we saw that truth is objective. Jesus’ claim to be the only way and that He rose from the dead is either true or it is not. This week I believe we have established that Jesus’ claim to be the only way is reasonable. It is simple and easily understood.
Next week we examine the evidence. Please check it out.