Deep Conviction or Drifting Philosophy Pt 3
The Bible claims that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He died for your sins and mine, and that He rose from the dead after three days. Also, Jesus stated emphatically in John 14:6 that, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me.”
In the last two articles we examined whether truth was relative and determined that it is not. We also looked at whether Jesus’ claims were reasonable, and we gave convincing arguments that they were. Now we turn our attention to the evidence that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
The first evidence for Jesus’ resurrection is that His enemies never produced a body! Now the report at the time was that his disciples came and stole the body to make it look like there had been a miracle. Let us examine that more.
All the Apostles, the 11 that walked with Jesus during His earthly ministry, died claiming a resurrection. You can be certain that they would NEVER have died for something they knew to be a lie.
Also, consider the sheer number of people who saw Christ alive after His crucifixion…all the Apostles, the women who went to anoint the body, and on one occasion, over 500 people at once saw Jesus alive (1 Corinthians 15:6). There is no way that so many people could be convinced to lie about something like that!
Finally, millions of people over the centuries have died for their faith in the resurrection because the living Christ had touched their lives and delivered them from sin’s bondage.
Yes, the evidence is there if one is willing to examine it without bias.
What about you, my friend? Someday you will come face-to-face with the living Lord of Creation, the Son of God. Will you tremble with fear at having rejected Him? Or will you bow your knees and give your heart now to the One who died for you?
Jesus Christ IS the way, the truth, and the life! He is the only way to God. Won’t you repent of the sin that is preventing you from believing and turn to Jesus in faith? It is truth; it is reasonable; and there is plenty of evidence in which to place your faith. He is waiting with His arms open wide.