Do You Have a Divided Heart? Pt 2
What kind of man has a divided heart? More to the point, “can a Christian have a divided heart?” Well, friend, the truth is anyone can be afflicted with it. Even King David, a “man after God’s own heart,” prayed in Psalm 86:11 “Teach me your way, LORD, and I will live by your truth. Give me an undivided heart to fear your name.” Some translations say, “undivided mind.” And the hymn writer, Robert Robinson, laments in his well-known song, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,”
“Prone to wander Lord I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love.”
Have you ever felt that way? I believe that every born-again believer has experienced this at some level. Once Christ indwells a person, He is there to stay, however, the sin nature is not eradicated at salvation so there is now an inner conflict that wasn’t there before. Paul describes this in Romans 7. That is why Paul cried out in Romans 7:24, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?” (NIV) And that is also why David, a man after God’s own heart, can ask the Father for an undivided heart.
One thing that will feed a divided heart is sin in our lives. If we are involved in a sin and will not repent after God convicts us of the truth, then our heart is divided. We are no longer walking in the light but in darkness. The only cure for this serious condition is confession and repentance. We must agree with God that our activity is sin and turn away from it. May the Lord Jesus help us to stay walking in the light of His truth!
Believing man of God, if you sense this propensity to a divided heart in your own life, don’t despair! There is an answer. Paul reveals it in Romans 7:25, “Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (NIV) Other translations render it “gives me the victory…” Your answer is a Person, not a belief system! Take all that you are and all that you are not to Jesus Christ and ask Him to deliver you and fill you with His Holy Spirit. He promised He will not only give you an undivided heart and mind, but He will keep giving you a steadfast heart as you seek Him (Isaish 26:3).