A Brand-New Year All Over Again!
The title of the popular 1966 Broadway play was “Stop the World-I Want to Get Off!” Maybe, as you face the prospect of a new year, that title fits quite nicely into your present mood, thank you very much.
The two things we know about time for sure is: 1) We never know when time for us will stop, and we step into eternity; and 2) Until that moment, we cannot stop time from marching on.
So, here we face, as the infamous philosopher, Yogi Berra, might say, “A Brand-New Year, All Over Again!” I am sure that among the readers of this little blog, there are as many attitudes about the past year, and the coming year as there are people reading this. But as godly men, I would like to suggest that no matter what 2021 held for you, nor what the future in 2022 holds, we have every reason to be optimistic as we look forward to the next 365 ¼ days. If God is willing.
The main reason for our bright outlook is that God is in control. Which is only a positive thing because God is also good. If God were all-powerful but evil, we would have a huge problem! However, God is not only in control and good, He is also wise beyond our comprehension!
Men, if these things were not true, that would mean this world is out-of-control and on a collision course with destruction. And if we don’t believe that God is good and in control, then we have every reason to despair! Man does not have the wisdom or power to affect a good outcome. The Bible says that in the last days, “men’s hearts will be failing them for fear of those things coming on the earth” (Luke 21:26).
So friend, what do you believe? Where is your confidence? In man’s ability to improve himself and do the right thing? Or is it in the Almighty, All-Powerful, All-Wise God who has proved Himself down through the ages?
“As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” How about you?