Forget the Past or Remember the Past? Part 2
We all have events in our past that we would like to forget. Past sins and poor choices can haunt us to the point that we are debilitated by them. As human as it is to dwell on past sins and failures, God wants us to acknowledge them, learn from them, confess, repent, and move on to the meaningful, productive life He has planned. I pray that you are able to do this.
However, just as there are some things in our past we need to deal with then forget, there are other experiences we should make a concerted effort to remember. I refer to past answers to prayer, victories won over sin, and the bountiful provision of the LORD. These memories are a wonderful, continuous source of joy and strength as we follow the Lord on our journey.
If you have children, do they know how God has answered prayer, met your needs in amazing ways, and given you victory over sin in your life? If you have never told them of these things, may I encourage you to set aside some family time soon and share these wonderful experiences with your children?
Our kids love to hear how God answered my prayer for my daughter’s safe delivery when she was born and how the doctor unwrapped the umbilical cord from around her neck as she made her entrance into the world.
Or how God caused a sparrow to land on the windshield of my wife’s minivan as she sat at a stoplight at Cooks Corner in Brunswick. She was struggling with her faith during a time of intense financial pressure because I was severely depressed and out of work. It was God’s way of reassuring Olive that He would take care of the family until I got better.
I am sure that you have your own stories and that your children would love to hear them. It will strengthen their faith, draw your family closer together, and demonstrate a wonderful witness to your unbelieving friends and family.
You might even want to place a “stone of remembrance” somewhere in your home to remind everyone of the way God miraculously met your need at specific time in your lives.
However you choose to remember God’s goodness to you and your family you’ll be glad that you passed these stories and the lessons learned to your children.