Freedom Through Dependence
Today we celebrate our country’s independence. In 1776 our forefathers declared that thirteen fledgling states were no longer the property of the King of England. We value freedom a lot in the United States. However, lately it seems we’ve come to believe that freedom means everyone gets to do their own thing.
One of the biggest lies Satan sells folks is that freedom equals no restraint. To be truly free, he whispers, is to not be subject to anything or anyone. Be your own man! As Frank Sinatra boasted, I did it “My Way.” THAT, my friends, is the theme song in hell!
Jesus said in John 8:34 “…I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” Men, the quickest route to bondage is a “little” sin. You see, disobeying God’s commands, never ends with just a small amount of sin; sin always leads to more sin. For each person the sin is different. For some men, a little peek at a “dirty” picture turns into full blown porn addiction, a few drinks lead to slavery to alcohol, and giving in to a “moment of temper” develops into uncontrollable rage.
Did you know that a baby rattlesnake has its full venom at birth? To be bitten by a baby rattlesnake is the same as being bitten by a full-grown snake. Sin is just like that. The so-called smallest sin possesses the full destructive potential of severe addiction and death.
Do you want to be free of the sin that holds you in bondage? Then become a disciple of Jesus Christ. Jesus said in John 8:31-32 “…If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” To become a disciple, you must first admit your sin to God, repent (turn away from it), and commit your entire life to Christ.
As you celebrate Independence Day this year, declare your dependence on Jesus Christ and be truly free!