Help for the Doubter - Part 1
For many years I doubted that I was really a child of God. It was a tortuous time. For those of you caught in doubt, you know what I mean. I made a profession of faith when I was 11 years-old at Columbia Street Baptist Church in Bangor, Maine. My mother was overjoyed; my father’s reaction was unremarkable. As for me, I did not understand what all the fuss was about. It was a red flag that something was wrong.
After I went forward, I remember that Pastor Sperring asked me if I believed that Jesus was the Son of God and that He died for my sins. I said yes. Then he asked me if I was willing to give my life to Him to do with me whatever He wanted. I was only 11 but I knew that I didn’t want to do that, so I said no. He said that as long as I believed in Jesus, he felt confident I was saved so later that month I was baptized. It would be many years and much pain later that I came to realize that, as Pastor Adrian Rogers used to say, “God doesn’t take rebels to heaven.”
It wasn’t until God mercifully brought me to the place that I was willing to bow my knee and my heart to the Lordship of Jesus Christ that I had peace. Does my story touch something in your heart? Have you walked the aisle, filled out a card, repeated a prayer yet you haven’t any peace or assurance that you are God’s forever child? It may be that you are like the demons, they believe that Jesus is God’s Son and died on the cross for man’s sins, but they are in rebellion against God and His will. Are you?
All it takes is faith to be saved, but it not merely an assent to certain facts. As I said, the devils believe and tremble in fear. You must act on that faith and repent, or turn away from your sins, and surrender your will to Jesus Christ as your Lord.
Are you willing to believe on Jesus Christ to the point that you realize that without Him in your life you are on your way to hell? Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). The way is a person, not a philosophy, or set of rules to keep. It is total trust in the Person of Jesus Christ that He will give you eternal life.
Will you give Him your life right now?