Honor Our Veterans!
I grew up in the 60’s when serving in the military was looked upon by many in my generation with disdain. The Vietnam War raged on in southeast Asia and many protesters took to the streets, at times violently, to voice their opposition. The men and women who served our country in the military risked ridicule and sometimes violence just by walking down the street.
They came from every level of society – cooks, and cops, carpenters and caterers, teachers, and teamsters – but whatever their occupations, they served our country in the military, and they deserve our respect.
This coming Saturday we commemorate Veterans Day to honor those who have served or are serving in our nation’s military. It is an important day. We must never lose our appreciation for those who serve to protect our country from enemies, foreign and domestic.
Every person who has ever enlisted or was drafted (when that was in place), has sacrificed something to serve. For some it was putting their career on hold. For others, it was their education, and for still others it was a limb, their mental health, or even their life. They deserve our highest praise!
I watched some of my friends and relatives come back from Vietnam struggle intensely to find their equilibrium in life. Many were in bondage to drugs or alcohol as they desperately tried to find a way to cope with the horrors of war that haunted them every waking moment, and even in their dreams.
PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is real. 6 out of every 100 men, and 13 out of every 100 women suffer from PTSD. Some take their own lives to escape the pain.
This Veterans Day, take a moment to call a friend or family member who served and thank them for their sacrifices. And don’t be shy about thanking a man or woman in uniform when you see them at the supermarket or gas station. You will make their day.
And if you know folks who are currently serving, make sure you take time to pray for them and let them know you are praying. It is a terrific way to let them know you appreciate their service.