How Does a Godly Man Deal with Evil?
October 25, 2023 started out like any other fall day in Maine, people went to work, cared for their families, spent time with friends and other routine activities. But before that day ended, 18 people lost their lives at a bar and bowling alley in Lewiston. A massive manhunt ensued until Robert Card was found dead that Friday of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Pure evil – that is what many call the heinous act. Others say that Robert Card must have been insane. Everyone was trying to make sense of the senseless murders. There were many more questions than answers.
Gut wrenching grief overwhelmed the survivors, friends, and loved ones. There were many prayers. And there was much anger. Anger at Robert Card, anger at failed protocols, and unfortunately, even anger directed to members of Robert’s family.
I will not attempt to answer the ‘why’ question, nor offer solutions on how to prevent mass shootings. What I will attempt to do is answer the question, “How does a godly man deal in his own heart with the evil that confronts him in this world?”
First, the man of God recognizes and accepts the fact that evil exists because of sin. Sin is rebellion against God. God has laid down Ten Commandments for the good of each man and woman individually, and society as a whole. But men refuse to live by them and so society suffers from that disobedience – high divorce rates, fatherless homes, abused wives and children, and mass murders.
Second, the godly man sees evil from God’s point of view. God hates evil! He is angry with the wicked every day. God WILL punish the wicked who do not repent. No one gets away with anything!
Third, the man of God understands that God loves sinners. He is not willing that any perish, but that all should come to repentance. If Robert Card had repented and sought God’s forgiveness instead of taking his own life, God would have forgiven him.
Finally, the godly man understands that his real battle is not with people but with spiritual wickedness in the heavenly realms – more on that next week.