How Does a Godly Man Love His Wife?
It’s the month of February, and during this month we celebrate Valentine’s day. During this time, we often think about the topic of “love”. For this month’s article, I’ve been tasked to write about: “How does a godly man love his wife?”
Let’s use a little contrast to explore this topic. I’d like to do so by comparing the way a worldly man loves his wife, to the way a godly man loves his spouse. A worldly man is a consumer. He worships the god of “self”, and he serves his own kingdom. How he loves his wife is very shallow too. She is a means to his ends, and if she doesn’t fit his mold for her, then she is of little use to him. In 2024, we have an astronomically high rate of divorce. The heart of mankind is deceitfully wicked and selfish, and this nature is found in the worldly husband.(See Jeremiah 17:9)
Let’s contrast that poor example of “love”, to the perfect love of Christ for His bride. He is our highest aspiration for how a godly man should love his wife. The love of Christ is best summarized by the Greek word, “agape”. This describes a beautiful sacrificial love. (See 1st John 3:16)
Not only did Christ sacrificially die for us, but the brutal nature of his death shows us how far He was willing to go for us – for His bride.
Not only did He provide our greatest need of redemption, but Jesus is faithful to His people- everyday. Christ is the perfect manifestation of God’s love. He is the highest aspiration of what a godly husband should be like. Praise the King of Heaven for His never-ending love!
Husband’s, I exhort you to strive towards Christ-likeness in your love for your wife. Follow our Lord wholeheartedly in His example to His bride. If you do, you and your wife will be blessed.
Glory to God.

My name is Peter Hansen. I am a Christ follower, a husband, a father, and a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. My family and I serve at New City Church in Bath, Maine. Over the years, I have found that life requires A LOT of wisdom from the Lord, in how to live a healthy and balanced life. Even though the Christian life is a constant struggle, it is certainly the BLESSED life!