Is He Really Alive?
To learn one must ask the right questions. The question that is the title of this article is THE most important question you will ever ask, for everything in this life and the next depends on your answer.
You see, if Jesus Christ is not alive, then He was not the Son of God, He cannot save anyone from their sins, and He was a madman and/or a deceiver, for He said that He would be crucified then rise from the dead three days later. So, is the tomb empty or not? How is one living in the 21st century to know for sure?
Let’s look at the evidence. There are at least three key pieces of evidence that support the truth of the resurrection. First, despite the accusations of the naysayers, no one after the account of the resurrection was reported ever produced a body. All that was needed to shut the mouths of the early believers was a dead Jesus.
Second, at one point there were over 500 people who saw the risen Savior at one time. The likelihood of that many people being deluded is highly improbable.
Third, and the most important, all the Apostles died a martyr’s death proclaiming the truth of the resurrection. Now some people have died for a lie that they believed to be true. However, the Apostles all died proclaiming that they had seen Jesus Christ alive. If they knew He was dead, there is no way they would have given their lives for something they knew to be a lie.
Friend, what about you? Have you ever taken the time to examine the evidence and give serious thought to its veracity? Do you realize that if you do not believe the account of the resurrection, you are calling God a liar. He says, He raised His Son from the dead; are you really prepared to dispute that?
Examine the evidence with an open mind. You can know for sure. Then put your faith in God’s one and only Son, Jesus Christ to save you from your sins. He is waiting to hear from you right now.