Is It Anyone Else’s Business?

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Is It Anyone Else's Business?

Quite a few years ago when I worked at a radio station in Portland, I was interviewing a well-known Christian public figure about the Gay Rights Agenda. He said that he was glad the laws against homosexuality were removed because it was none of the State’s business what people did in the privacy of their bedrooms.

I did not feel comfortable with his statement at the time, but I could not put my finger on the exact reason his belief was wrong. I have since come to believe that it DOES matter to society what people do in the privacy of their own homes. And there are good reasons why.

Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Men, this means that it is a shame for any country to tolerate wickedness, and God calls homosexuality wicked. Some folks in the world may applaud acceptance of homosexuality as being open-minded, tolerant, and loving, but the God who created us says it is an abomination and brings disgrace on any nation that embraces it.

Another reason to reject homosexuality as a nation is that it DOES NOT stay in the bedroom. Many, if not most cities, have public areas where everyone knows that homosexuals hang out to solicit sex. It is a shame to the city that tolerates this type of public behavior.

My family was at a public beach in the Midcoast one summer day when I saw a man lying on his blanket nude. When I talked to a park Ranger about this, he said they have been having trouble with this type of thing and to not let our children go into the restrooms alone because gay men had been caught having sex in them.

So, it IS our business what our nation chooses to embrace as acceptable behavior! God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their perversion, and we as a nation will not escape God’s judgment either.

June has been declared LGBTQ-Pride month in our nation and people will be celebrating wickedness for the next 30 days. As godly men we must take a stand against this! I am not calling for hate and abuse of gay men and lesbians. I am calling for God’s people to declare the truth of His Word about their lifestyle and agenda. May God help us to be kind but bold and speak the truth to our culture!

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