Isn't This My Day?
I heard a story a long time ago that went like this: Some time after Jesus returned to heaven He heard that the people of the world He created and went down to die for had decided to celebrate His birthday. Excited, He visited the earth to watch all the festivities in His honor.
People were hustling between stores with their arms full of presents. Oh! this is wonderful, thought the Lord, everyone is getting me presents! He was delighted with the decorations and colorful lights. And the songs! The music about His arrival on earth was amazing!
“What honor! What worship! Jesus thought. “How beautiful is this! They must really love me!”
Finally, the day came to celebrate His birth. The people had a great feast, but few bowed their heads in gratitude for His generous provision. Excitedly, everyone opened their gifts, but none of them were for Him!
“Isn’t this my day?” He mused.
Confused and disappointed, Jesus went back to heaven with a heavy heart.
Friend, as you and I celebrate the birth of our Savior this year, let’s remember to include Him in our festivities by giving gifts to the less fortunate in His name or doing an act of kindness for our Lord’s sake. Let’s glorify the name of Immanuel, “God with us,” by sharing the true meaning of the day with someone who has forgotten.
And most of all, let us not forget to worship!
He was born the King of the Jews, but not only that, He is the Sovereign of the whole earth! Someday, at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God, the Father!
Wise men still seek Him. Humble men still revere Him. Faithful men still serve Him.
Let us never forget – Jesus is the Reason for the Season!