It's Your Goodness That Keeps You Out of Heaven

Radio preacher and longtime host of Songtime U.S.A., John DeBrine, use to ask folks, “What are you going to do about the fact that your goodness is going to keep you out of heaven?”
The question shocks most people because everyone knows that you must be good to get into heaven, right? Actually, that is only partially true. One must not only be good, but one must be perfect to get into heaven. So, in fact, it is not people’s goodness that keeps them out of heaven, but it is their wrong perception that they are good enough to go to heaven.
You see, not only is perfection is the only standard for entry into heaven, but the stark reality is that God MUST punish our evil deeds, or He wouldn’t be holy and just. He cannot and will not overlook them! There is no such teaching in the Bible that God will accept us if our “good works” outweigh our “bad works”. Romans 3:10 says “all of our righteousness is like filthy rags.” In other words, our very best is not good enough.
So, all of us have a huge problem! What can we do about our guilt before a holy, righteous God. The Good News is all is not lost! Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son lived a perfect life and then paid for all your sins, and mine, on the cross. He rose again on the third day and lives right now at God’s right hand to save you from your sins if you repent from them and ask Him to save you.
Do not buy the Devil’s lie that somehow you are good enough. You are not! And neither am I. Furthermore, I can guarantee that your BAD works are going to outweigh your good works by a ton! God judges every thought and motivation as well as every deed. Lewis Sperry Chafer said, “It may be a secret sin on earth, but it is open scandal in heaven.”
If you sense God speaking to you right now telling you that what I am saying is true, listen to Him. Stop living your own way and ask God to forgive you and save you! There is no other way!