Led Zepplin Had It Right and Wrong
On November 8, 1971 the group Led Zepplin introduced the song “Stairway to Heaven” to the world. It quickly became a tremendous hit and has remained a favorite of “rock and rollers” for almost 50 years. The song has occultic themes and a very dangerous message that most who hear it probably don’t even realize. I am not going to quote the whole song here but there is one line in the song that deserves our undivided attention because it strikes at the core of this life and the next. Before I share that line I want to tell you a little story.
The devil was asking his demons one day for new ideas on lies that humans could be told to lead them to hell. One demon said they should say “there is no God”; another said “tell them the Bible is a book of myths”; but the winning idea came from a little demon at the edge of the crowd who said “let them believe all those truths but tell them that they have plenty of time to accept Christ”.
So men, here is the line of the song from Led Zepplin: “yes, there are two paths you can go by but in the long run, there’s still time to change the road you’re on.”
There it is! What do you believe today? Do you believe the gospel? Do you know in your heart that Jesus IS the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead? But do you also believe that you have plenty of time to decide to follow Christ as your Lord and Savior?
You see, Led Zepplin was right…there ARE “two paths you can go by”; but they are dead wrong that “you have time to change the road you’re on”. The truth is you have no idea when God will demand your soul. Don’t wait! Turn to Jesus today, right now. Turn away from your sin and commit your life to follow Christ! If you know in your heart that what I am saying is true, do it now! Tomorrow may be too late.