Many Infallible Proofs
This past Sunday, Christians all over the world celebrated the undeniable fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Today the tomb in which He was laid is empty. The historian, Luke, the physician, writes in Acts 1 verse 3, “After His suffering, He presented Himself to them and gave many infallible proofs that He was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.” Luke was not only a meticulous historian, he was also an eyewitness of the resurrection himself!
Isn’t it peculiar that in a court of law eyewitness accounts are almost unbeatable? But when it comes to the resurrection of Jesus Christ people are willing, almost eager to dismiss them. In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul list some of those who saw the risen Christ: Peter, the Twelve, over 500 people at once, most of whom were still alive when Paul wrote his letter, James, the Lord’s half-brother, all the apostles then lastly Paul on the road to Damascus. Then there are the women who first saw the risen Savior as they went to anoint His body, as well as the two on the road to Emmaus.
Then there is the fact that all the apostles died a martyr’s death proclaiming that Jesus Christ was alive. If they knew He wasn’t (because some claimed the disciples stole the body and claimed a resurrection), don’t you think the first thing they would do when faced with death would be to deny the resurrection and produce the body? No one dies for something they KNOW to be a lie!
Now, some say that Jesus did not actually die. That He merely swooned and was revived by the damp conditions in the tomb. Then He rolled away the stone in front of the opening (which weighed approximately 1.5 tons) and walked out of the tomb. Now consider that Jesus was beaten almost to death, and in that weakened condition carried his cross to Golgotha, then hung on a cross for 6 hours. Finally, the Roman soldiers were experts at crucifixion, and they knew He was dead, that is why they did not break His legs (John 19:31-34).
Friend, Jesus Christ is alive! The main question for you is, will you believe it? He paid for your sins on the cross, then rose from the dead to give you eternal life if you will only believe, commit your life to Him. Will you do that right now?