Run to the Father!
A good friend of mine is in a tremendous battle for his life. He is a believer who is addicted to alcohol and pornography. Recently he just gave in to temptation and failed miserably. As Galatians 6:1 says, he was overtaken in a fault.
Two questions come to mind as I think about his situation. First, what should he do? And second, what do I need to do as his friend? Let us consider the last question first.
Galatians 6:1 is clear, “Brothers, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back on the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself” (NLT).
In this command there is no room for condemnation or self-righteous judgment. I am to come alongside my friend in love, reminding him of God’s love, forgiveness for the repentant, strength to overcome for the humble, and, if necessary, warn him of the possibility of God’s discipline if he does not repent.
Now what is my friend to do? The first thing we all need to do when we sin is to run to the Father, confess our sin and repent. This may be difficult to do if we view God as an implacable judge who waits with glee to condemn us. However, it is imperative that my friend, as well as all of us, realize and believe that God is a merciful Father who longs to forgive and restore His repentant child.
God wants us to “rend out hearts not our garments” (Joel 2:13). He does not need to “beat himself up” for his sin. Beating yourself up is like tearing your garments. It is remorse, not repentance. It is worldly sorrow that leads to death.
My friend needs to “humble [himself] in the sight of the Lord so that He can lift [him] up” (1 Peter 5:6). God will never reject the contrite heart. Having humbly sought God’s forgiveness, he can now get up, stand straight, forget the things that are behind and move ahead. My friend is very broken about his sin. And I know that He will overcome because “greater is He [The Holy Spirit] that is in [him] than He [Satan] that is in the world.”
How about you, brother? Have you sinned against your Lord? Only a few times or many times does not matter. God will always forgive His repentant child. Run to the Father!