Severely Chastened - Supremely Loved
The good shepherd took hold of the wayward sheep and, with one blow from his staff, broke the animal’s leg. Bleating in pain, the wounded sheep tried to get away from the shepherd. But, ever so gently, the good shepherd firmly held the hurting sheep, poured oil on the wound and bandaged the leg he broke. Then he lovingly set the sheep on his shoulders and carried the sheep everywhere he went.
For weeks they were inseparable. The bond became so intimate that after the break healed, the sheep would not leave the good shepherd’s side. And THAT was the whole purpose for the seemingly harsh actions of the good shepherd. You see, before the sheep’s leg was broken, he was stubborn and would wander off on his own, away from the safety of the good shepherd. It was necessary to break the sheep’s leg so that his life could be saved.
Sometimes, the Good Shepherd of our souls, Jesus Christ, must do the same thing for a wayward child of His. Psalm 118:18 says, “The LORD has chastened me severely, but He has not given me over to death.” In other words, he “broke my leg”, but He did not take my life.
I remember such a time in my life. It was extremely painful. Maybe you are being disciplined by the LORD today. I am not saying that everyone going through trials is being disciplined by God. But I can’t help but believe that if your trouble is a result of the LORD’s chastening, you know it in your heart. Right?
Men, may I share some things I learned from my “broken leg”? First, don’t treat the LORD’s dealings with you lightly. God does not play games. Second, do not despise His chastening. Don’t resent the Good Shepherd for treating you as a son and disciplining you. Finally, don’t faint, or give up, because of His discipline. Hold fast to your profession of faith! God loves you and He will never leave you. He is close by, holding you next to His heart.
As soon as you “lay down your sword” of resistance and surrender, God will wrap you in His strong arms of love and say, “Welcome home, son!” Why not now?