"Still the Same"
In 1978 singer-songwriter Bob Seger saw his hit single, “Still the Same”, reach #4 on the “Billboard Hot 100 Chart”. The song is about a gambler who the singer admired but ultimately walked away from because he would not change despite the consequences of his actions.
While there are people who don’t change in some areas of their lives, for better or worse, in the end, no one is steadfast all the time in a righteous way – that is except our God. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.” And in Malachi 3:6 God declares, “I the LORD do not change…”
What this means for us, as fallible, wobbly people, is that we have a rock in an ever-shifting world that never moves. God is not subject to the whims of man’s opinion. He is complete within Himself. He possesses all knowledge, wisdom, and power. He never consults anyone on anything! He is God, our Rock!
Are you tired of people letting you down? Are you discouraged with your own inconsistencies? Are you weary of watching all the things you used to believe were true fall prey to the newest “truth”? Then turn your heart to the One who never changes. He will cause His unchanging Spirit to come live within you and give you the solid foundation you so desperately crave.
Friend, as you prepare to turn the corner to face 2023, why not start with a new foundation? The apostle Paul said, “For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 3:11). The reason you are so tossed about inside is because your life is not founded on the Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ.
To receive this assurance, you must take 3 simple steps: First, go to God and admit that you have been a rebel against Him. Second, be willing to turn away from your sinful ways and, with His help, live the way God desires. Third, believe in your heart that Jesus Christ paid for your sins on the cross and accept Him as your Lord and Savior, believing that He rose from the dead. Then, thank Him for saving you.
If you’ve made this decision, contact me at mdwhitney61@gmail.com and tell me. I want to rejoice with you. Then have a solid New Year!