Stop the Blame Game! Part 3-God's Faithfulness
Men, as the head of our homes God has given us the responsibility to nurture, provide for and protect our wives and children (Ephesians 5:25-27, Ephesians 6:4). That means we must abide in Christ ourselves so that we can lead our family wisely. But too many men have abdicated both roles and blamed their wives for their failure to obey God in this. Just like Adam did in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-6).
If you have made this mistake and sinned in this way, but now you realize it and want to step up, I want you to know that there is great hope and success ahead for you! God is on your side! He loves you and understands your struggles and failures, and He will give you the wisdom and strength you need to lead your family His way.
As with any time we sin, the first step is to confess your sin to the Lord, repent (turn away from that behavior), and seek to walk in step with the Holy Spirit to gain His wisdom and strength to change. God WILL give you all that you need to obey Him in this; He promised (James 1:5, Philippians 4:13).
Now when the Lord convicted me of my sin in this, I looked at my family and observed a lot of damage due to my lack of leadership. Maybe that is the case for you, as well. Do not let that discourage you from stepping back into your leadership role as head of your family. But there are a couple of things you need to do first.
After confessing your sin to the Lord, you must humble yourself before your wife and children and confess your sins to them. Admit that you failed to be the Christian God wanted you to be and the leader He wanted you to be in your home. Then ask for their forgiveness.
It is also good if you ask each family member to reveal any particular sin that you have committed against them so you can ask their forgiveness for that specific sin. This is especially important! If you humble yourself in this way, you will not lose their respect; you will gain it!
Finally, seek God daily for the strength to change and the wisdom to know how to deal with the damaged relationships. Expect that healing will take time. But God is faithful and will bless your obedience. Why not start today?