The Biblical Truth About Being Transgender
When I was a junior in high school the Key Club I belonged to sponsored a “Mess America” pageant. The idea was simple. Club members, who were all male, dressed up as women and in an attempt to be funny as the “contestants” paraded on stage in various outrageous styles of feminine dress. It was all done to raise money for the community projects in which the club was involved. I was designated “Miss Sebasticook Valley Slime”, so named because of the disgusting green condition of nearby Sebasticook Pond.
I did not think anything of it until afterward someone in my church told me that the Bible forbids a man to wear women’s clothing or a woman to wear men’s clothing (Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this”).
It is clear from this passage that God hates transvestism and is very displeased with those who practice it in its various forms. Why? Because in Genesis 1:27 we read “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him: male and female He created them.” God made a distinction between the sexes. It is plain and non-negotiable.
God, however, is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33 KJV), Satan is, and his goal is to pervert everything God created and called good. Therefore, he is working in the world to blur this distinction. Satan tells people that men and women are the same. God says otherwise. There is no such thing as “unisex”; a person is either male or female. Instead of affirming the poor souls who are deceived about their “identity”, we need to help them discover why they are misled and how to lead them to wholeness with the way God made them.
People suffering from gender dysphoria are not to be despised or mistreated. They need to be loved and guided to Jesus Christ who can bring light to the deception they are under in their minds and lead them to repentance for their sin.
It is critical that the church of Jesus Christ stand firm on this. Transgenderism is a sin, and we dare not oppose God in the matter. May the Lord help us to have the courage to be the light He has sent us out to be.