The Cross and the Backslider
There are two definitions to the term backslider in the Scriptures. One meaning is that of a person who turns away from God temporarily but returns to Him after being disciplined. The disciples who fled the night Jesus was arrested is an example of this type of “backsliding.” They were truly born-again but stumbled for a time.
The other usage of the term backslider is that of a person who turns away from God permanently. This refers to someone who looked and acted like a believer, but in the end reveal their true colors by turning away from and permanently denying the Christ who died for their sins. This person did not lose their salvation; they simply proved by their turning away that they were never regenerated by the Holy Spirit. They are what Scripture calls – an apostate. A modern-day example of this type of falling away is Charles Templeton, a contemporary evangelist at the same time as Billy Graham, who denied the faith to become an atheist.
Friend, if you are having a “crisis of faith” right now, if you are questioning the truths you have been taught, don’t despair. Take your doubts and questions to Jesus. He has not rejected you because of them. He will patiently answer your questions through His Word (James 1:5) and guide you by His Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14). Just don’t give up! It is always too soon to quit!
If you have been foolish and rebelled against the Lord, or if you simply wandered away through neglect – repent and return to the Lord! Joel 2:13 says, “Rend [tear] your heart not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love and He relents from sending calamity.” In other words, humble yourself in the sight of the LORD and He will lift you up (1 Peter 5:6); He will forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9); He will create in you a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within you (Psalm 51:10).
Forgiveness and peace are waiting for you at the cross right now! Won’t you come?