The Cross and the Father
Everyone struggles with the tragic effects of living in this sin-cursed world. Believer and unbeliever ask questions like “Where was God when my child died, or when my spouse left me after 25 years of marriage, or when I was abused as a child?” Sometimes these questions produce doubts that seem insurmountable, and if left to simmer in our minds turn quickly into bitterness and unbelief.
In the face of all these questions the assumption left dangling in the air is that God cannot be good or loving if He allows these tragedies to occur. But nothing could be further from the truth! God IS good! God IS love! And here are some truths that, if received wholeheartedly, will stabilize your heart when tragedy strikes, or help you deal with the heartache you have already experienced.
First, God is good because when Adam rebelled in the Garden of Eden and ate the forbidden fruit, which brought that rebellion into every human heart and along with it tragedy in every society, God already had a plan in place to rescue mankind from the damning consequences of his sin (Romans 5:10).
Second, God is love because He was willing to sacrifice His one and only Son on the cross to pay the penalty for sin and save mankind from an eternity without God in hell (John 3:16).
Third, God is compassionate because He made receiving salvation so simple that even a child can understand it. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved! (Acts 16:31)
And have you ever asked, “Where was God when His only Son was being crucified by the very creatures He created?” The answer is simple, God was allowing the greatest injustice in human history because He had a higher purpose – the saving of souls He loved so they could live with Him forever!
My friend, your heavenly Father knows and understands your pain, doubts, and anger and He loves you unconditionally! He is waiting for you to come to Him with it all, turn away from your sins and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord, and Savior. You can do that right now! Will you?