The Cross and the Sinner
Men, you make a lot of decisions during your day, don’t you? You make them at work, raising your family, if you are in leadership of some kind, and many of them are very important, even critical. But have you, as a man, made the most important decision of your life yet? I am referring to the question of what are you going to decide about your sins and the claims of Jesus Christ?
Friend, it is because I love you and care about you that I tell you that your sins are abhorrent to a holy God. He will not overlook your lies, your unholy anger, your hate, your shady business dealings, your cursing or your lust and adultery.
Jesus Christ came and died on a cruel Roman cross to pay for those sins and more; then He rose from the dead so that the Father could forgive you and give you eternal life. Here is the truth: Jesus was and is the Son of God. He said that He was the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that no one can approach God except through Him. Jesus said that “you must be born again!” (John 3: 3).
The opening lines of the song “It Is Finished!” by Bill and Gloria Gaither say it all:
There’s a line that’s been drawn through the ages;
On that line stands the old rugged cross.
On that cross a battle is raging
For the gain of man’s soul or his loss.
All of life is summed up in these four simple stanzas. Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son, put it this way in Luke 11:23, “Whoever is not with me is against me…”
So, my friend, where do you stand? Are you for Jesus Christ or against Him?
Don’t ignore or put off the most important decision you will ever make! And remember, to refuse to decide FOR Jesus, is to decide AGAINST Him by default. There isn’t any middle ground.
I invite you to bow your heart to Jesus Christ right now. Admit your rebellion and sin to Him and ask His forgiveness. Then make Him the ruler of your life.