The January Thaw - Hope Springs in Winter
Here in Maine, as in other places in mid-latitude North America, we experience God’s gracious provision of what is known as the “January Thaw”. While some experts dismiss the phenomenon, and others have tried to explain the occurrence scientifically, the fact is that sometime in middle or late January, smack dab in the midst of winter God has ordained a period of hope that winter will not last forever. Some aspects of the “January Thaw” remain a mystery as temperatures average10 or more degrees above normal for five to seven days giving us a welcomed relief from the bitter cold of the surrounding days.
Isn’t it just like our God to provide hope amid the long, dark days of winter, just like He did for the people of Israel during their seventy-year captivity in Babylon? In Jeremiah 29:11 God provides a spiritual “January Thaw” for His people that He has good plans for them. The period of discipline will not last forever because God’s compassions never fail. Even as He disciplines us, He reminds us that the hard thing we are going through is restorative in its purpose, not merely punitive.
So, the next time you enjoy the warmth of the “January Thaw”, remember God’s goodness, mercy and grace towards you. Remember that He does not treat us as our sins deserve, His mercies are new every morning…and in the middle of winter as well.
If you are experiencing a time of discipline from the Lord, don’t forget that it is only for a season and its purpose is for your good. Don’t resist it or resent it. He is treating you as a child of His so you will be more like His Son, Jesus, and so you won’t be condemned with the world. (1 Corinthians 11:32).
Remember, He loves you just the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you that way.