The Lie that is Transgender
You have probably never heard of Arnold Potter (1804-1872). He was a Schismatic Latter Day Saint leader who claimed that the spirit of Jesus Christ entered into his body and he became “Potter Christ” Son of the living God. He died in an attempt to “ascend into heaven” by jumping off a cliff. His body was later retrieved and buried by his followers. He was deceived.
I have a friend who is a woman, but in recent years has come to believe that she is a man. Now, I love my friend. But just as I would be concerned if she believed that she was Martha Washington, so I am concerned that she is not living in reality when she declares that, in spite of all the physical evidence to the contrary, she is not a woman but a man.
At best my friend is deluded in her mind. At worst, she is in rebellion against God by refusing to accept the way He made her.
I do not know all the reasons that a person would come to believe such a lie about themselves, however, I do believe that they are believing a lie. Satan, the Father of Lies, is deceiving many people in our day to believe that they are not who God made them to be. These dear folk do not need to be helped to mutilate their bodies; they need to be helped to see and accept the truth about themselves.
Satan is the author of confusion, and he is wreaking havoc in the minds and hearts of thousands of people. The only antidote for confusion is truth…God’s truth. Gender Dysphoria is not a mental problem. It is a spiritual problem that needs to be approached as such and countered with spiritual weapons.
We must be careful, however, not to ridicule or disparage the people who are deceived and confused about who they are. We need to love them enough to tell them the truth and help them see how much God loves them, how much He wants to free them from the confusion and lies to which they are in bondage. We need to do this with gentleness and respect.
We also must stand against the lie of Gender Dysphoria in the public square. People need to know that this evil is being promoted by some who have given themselves over to wickedness and have targeted our youth to recruit the innocent into participating in their perversion. And we must pray! If you are reading this and need help, please email me at mdwhitney61@gmail.com.