The Only Time it’s Ok to be F.A.T.
Generally speaking we try to avoid being fat. Obesity is a big problem in our country. But you probably suspect that because “F.A.T.” in the title of this article is an acronym, we at Paraclete Men’s Ministries are not promoting gluttony. Actually, I have borrowed it from the Navigators discipleship training book “Real Life Discipleship” Training Manual and it stands for Faithful, Available and Teachable.
For Pastors and other Christian leaders this is a key way we identify whether or not a man is ready for more in-depth discipleship. It can also be a means by which we can gauge our own fitness for ministry. Let’s look at each one.
Faithful – this is the first identifier and maybe the most important. Jesus said in Luke 16:10 that “whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much…” How about it men? Are you and I faithful in the little things in our lives? Do you want to be a leader? Then this is an important indication if you and I are ready.
Available – One thing is certain, one cannot be effective at any endeavor if they are not available. Someone who is unable or unwilling to devote the time necessary to complete a task is not qualified to be asked to do it.
Teachable – This quality, in my opinion, is right up there in importance with being faithful. No one knows everything; yet, so many men cannot be told or taught because they won’t accept instruction. They always have some excuse or reason why their teacher is wrong. Proverbs 9:9 says “Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning.”
If you are in leadership I trust these few thoughts will be helpful in choosing your up and coming leaders. If you aspire to be a leader, these are great tools to evaluate your own qualifications. Either way, may God help us all to be F.A. T. in His kingdom work.