The Worldview of a Godly Man-Where Does it Begin?
Do you know what your worldview is? Maybe even more important, do you know how you came to form your view of the world? Most people’s worldview evolves over time, starting with their first perceptions of their surroundings right up to the present. Everyone has a worldview. But why is knowing your worldview so important?
Knowing your worldview, and especially where it comes from is important because it affects the way you see and relate to God and people. For instance, atheists will not relate to God and that affects the way they view people. Many, if not, all atheists believe in evolution. Humans are not special; they are simply higher on the food chain. This view of the world is hopeless and devalues people.
The worldview of a godly man begins with God. He recognizes God as a personal, loving, powerful Being who created man in His image, and that belief places an infinite value on every individual on the planet, including YOU! Hope abounds because there is Someone to whom we can turn for insight on living, strength to overcome adversity, a basis for morality, a foundation for justice, and hope for eternity!
None of these most excellent elements of life exist for the atheist. Without God there isn’t any hope, life is not valued, there isn’t any basis for morality, no foundation for justice (after all, if we’re just a collection of chemicals and minerals without a soul and without a purpose, why care about your fellowman?), there is no one who can help us figure out this upside-down world, and eternity is a dark hole from which there isn’t any return.
A godly man’s worldview begins and ends with God. It is the foundation of all that he believes. It is the rock upon which is based all other beliefs and decisions made from those beliefs.
A godly man begins with God and ends in an eternity with a loving God. The atheist begins with nothing and ends with hopelessness and despair.
The choice is up to you. Choose carefully. You’ll live with it forever!