The Worldview of a Godly Man - Why Is It Important?
According to Wikipedia, the Leaning Tower of Pisa leans because it was built on soft ground that could not support its weight. It started to lean during construction in the 12th century and continued to worsen until construction was completed in the 14th century. Attempts, some moderately successful, have been made to right the tower over the years. Currently, experts believe the tower will last another 200 years. However, even a moderate earthquake would probably send the landmark structure crashing to the ground. Only time will tell.
A man’s worldview is like a foundation. On it rests his entire life, and eternity as well. Jesus explains in Matthew 7:24-27 that building your life on any foundation, or worldview if you will, other than the teachings of Scripture is like building a house on the sand. When trouble comes, it WILL collapse! What is your life built on?
In the end, there are only two sources from which to get one’s worldview – man’s opinion, or God’s Word. Man’s opinion beckons us from every form of media: television, radio, print, and movies invite us to come with them. However, Proverbs 14:12 warns us that “there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”
Where are you getting your worldview? Will it stand the eternity test? What I mean is do you have absolute confidence that when this life is over, you can stand before God and know He will welcome you into His heaven? If your worldview doesn’t provide this assurance, shouldn’t you embrace one that will?
A godly man has this rock-solid confidence because he bases it on God’s promise that will never fail. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.”
To get this assurance simply admit to God you are a sinner, be willing to turn away from your sins, then ask God to forgive you for Jesus’ sake and help you live for Him. Then let us know at: mdwhitney61@gmail.com.