What Are You Hiding?
Are you hiding something? Are you living a double life? Consider these real-life situations. A well-respected chief executive embezzles funds from his company. A man has two wives and two sets of children who know nothing of one another’s existence. The housewife who moonlights as a prostitute. The married corporate executive who wears lingerie under his business suit.
You say, “I don’t do any of those things!”
But consider this: Do you act one way at church and another way on the job? Are you full of “spiritual talk” while at church, but enjoy telling and hearing dirty jokes on the job site? Do you use foul language with your work buddies that you would never use with your church friends? That my friend, is called leading a double life. It is also called being a hypocrite in Scripture.
I used to work with a man like that. He used the f-bomb all the time. He told foul jokes and had a lousy attitude towards work and his bosses who treated him very well. One day I was talking about my faith, and he said, “I’m a Christian, too!”
I was floored! And it bothered me. Fortunately, he was not a very vocal witness at work, but I nonetheless felt compelled to talk to him about it.
“Brother,” I said to him one day, “Do you talk at church the way you talk here at work?”
He looked at me rather stunned. “Of course not!” He said. I asked him why not and he fumbled for an answer. I told him that I was not condemning him, but since he told me he was a believer, I felt I needed to challenge him to line up his actions with his profession.
How about you? Are you leading a double life? If you are, why? Jesus said in Matthew 12:30, “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”
You cannot serve two masters. Joshua challenged the Israelites “Choose you this day whom you will serve…”
So, I ask you my friend, whom are you going to serve today? God or Satan? There is no other option. Please consider…and choose carefully and well.