What Do You Do When You Don't Get Your Way?
The rock group the Rolling Stones is not exactly a bastion of wisdom you can rely on; however, they did get something right when they sang “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” While we know that in our heads, yet as Christian men we often struggle when God tells us to wait, or worse yet, when He says “No”.
After all, I can cook a meal in the microwave in sixty seconds, I have instant news at my fingertips 24/7, if I don’t like something on TV, one click of the remote brings immediate satisfaction. Let’s face it, we are used to getting what we want when we want it.
Now, if waiting for God to act is difficult for most of us to handle, then a “No” from our heavenly Father can bring on everything from depression to a temper tantrum worthy of any 3-year-old. Of course, we don’t often stomp our feet and scream at God, but our attitude can sure reflect a deep dissatisfaction with His decisions.
So, what is a godly man to do when the Father tells him to wait, or when He outright says “No”? Obviously temper tantrums are out, as well as depression and surliness. Did you know that if you have received Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior you already have everything you need to be patient and self-controlled in every situation? May I suggest that instead of gritting our teeth and toughing it out, we tap into the patience and self-control given to us at our salvation when God gave us His Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
Next time you are tempted to panic, anger, or impatience when God says “wait” or “No”, try a prayer like this: “Father, I know that you are wise and good, and all your decisions are in my best interest. Right now, I surrender to your Holy Spirit for the patience and self-control I need to persevere in this situation. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”
Now watch Him work His will in and through you, then don’t forget to thank Him for His faithfulness.
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