What Does God Think of Halloween?
According to a CNBC report, the Halloween season is ranked seventh in the amount spent on gifts, food, travel, costumes, parties, etc., with approximately 10.4 billion forked over in 2021. And that is only in the United States!
Opinions of the holiday in Christian circles run the gamut from indifference to intense dislike. Some sincere believers don’t want anything to do with Halloween. They reason that because many of the practices of the Halloween season find their roots in medieval superstition and even the occult, Halloween should not be practiced by the serious Christian.
Others take the view that it’s all harmless fun for the kids and grown-up kids as well. After all, for most people, Halloween is just another holiday to have fun and let your hair down. Is this a gray area that falls under the category of Christian liberty? Or does God weigh in on the debate in His Word?
First let me say that I don’t pretend to be the last word on the subject. God’s Word does not address Halloween directly, so I do not stand in judgment of those who may differ with me on this topic. But are we left without any guidance from the Lord? I don’t think so. Let me share a few thoughts.
The Word of God sharply condemns those who practice sorcery, witchcraft, divination, mediums, and the like. Are most of the people who participate in Halloween events doing this? No, of course not. My personal concern is that the forces of evil, which are very real, do not care if people take it seriously or not, THEY DO! I believe it is not godly to glorify something that God condemns.
While some traditions of Halloween seem harmless, we need to be careful that the activities we participate in do not allow demonic beings to gain an entry into our minds or homes. Holding seances and consulting an Ouija Board, for instance, have no place in a believer’s life. Whereas bobbing for apples or dressing up in a costume (depending on the costume) are relatively harmless.
Whatever you decide, please give prayerful thought to your Halloween activities. As the head of our homes, men, we need to lead our family to the light and holiness not darkness. May God give us His wisdom on these things.