When Men Sing in Church Part 2
Don’t Be Ashamed
“I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation, I will sing your praise.” (Hebrews 2:12)
Jesus is not ashamed of you. At one time you were his enemy because of sin. Enemies become sons and heirs through the grace of the gospel. When you stand with the congregation this upcoming Lord’s Day, remember that Christ is your elder Brother and that He came to this earth to make this so, and declare to you the name of His Father.
Love The Congregation
In His short ministry on Earth, Jesus left us many examples. One of those is to love the congregation. He sure did. He declared the truth of the Kingdom amid a congregation. What began as only twelve continued to grow as the message spread and more believed. He still stands in the congregation today through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Learn to love the congregation the way Christ did, and still does. This may help you to sing.
Now Sing!
Can you picture Jesus singing? I can. We are not to think of a man with His hands in His pockets; sluggish, unimpressed, or embarrassed to lift a chorus of truth to the Father. Think of a Leader. Think of a Savior and forerunner. That’s who He is. He came to be among His brothers, to make a family, and teach us to sing. What was the song? His perfect life, sacrificial death, and victorious resurrection spurs us on and encourages participation in a great gospel chorus.
In Closing
Your children, your wife, and your fellow members are affected by your participation, or lack thereof. I’m convinced that if Christian men in the local church would lift their voices in glorious praise to a glorious God, their hearts would begin to beat more fervently for Christ. After all, this is what we were created to do. This coming Lord’s Day, think of the One you are singing to, the One who deserves your song. Think of Christ, how He is not ashamed to sing amid His brothers. Sing, brothers, sing!

Joel Littlefield is the lead pastor of New City Church, a 2017 church plant in Bath, Maine. He is married to his wife Callie and they have four children together. In addition to serving alongside the elders at New City Church, Joel has a passion for local pastors, and currently serves as one of the regional leaders for the Pillar Network. Joel has authored two books, Beeline to the Cross, and a new book coming out in the summer of 2024 called, The Kingdom-Minded Pastor.